Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Liam Finn - "Second Chance"

During the course of watching an unhealthy amount of United States of Tara (which is a great show and only helps in building Diablo Cody's aura) I was subject to a number of odd moments as well as great songs.  Among those featured throughout the course of the first season included Liam Finn (son a Neil Finn, Crowded House member) who last year released an excellent low-profile album I'll Be Lightning.  One song included on that album, "Second Chance," was also played during his first American television appearance on Letterman.  Watching this is amazing as not only is it a great song but the layers that he adds every 45 seconds or so only peaks with the insanity of the last 45 seconds.  Definitely worth checking out:  both this sweet video as well as his debut album.

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