The sophomore effort from Elvis Perkins (son of Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins)) is a lighter affair than his lyrically heavy 2007 debut Ash Wednesday. Elvis Perkins in Dearland is a kind of ode to Americana. Also along with Perkins this time is a very deft band to help in creating his nod to the more classic forms of American music. This organic sound is prevalent from the very first track (album's intro is accompanied by bird noises and general "outdoor sounds"). In addition to the obvious acknowledgment of Americana, Perkins also occasionally delves into a southern goth-style (lyrically). This style is most noticeable on the track"I'll Be Arriving" with its darker tone and overall feeling. But overall things are rather simplistic in feel and mood. An array of more traditional instruments (in terms of this rootsy style) are utilized here: organs, acoustic guitars, bass drums, and even New Orleans-style horns (the very Orleans-esque "Doomsday") all make appearances during the album's run. And although Perkins has crafted a fine album that serves as a tribute to the singer/songwriters and early artists that Perkins grew up listening to, it cannot be taken as much more than that; a nice little tribute of an album that showcases a young, promising singer paying respect to those who influenced him.
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