With their latest release, the Dirty Projectors (as led by Dave Longstreth) continue to make melodic yet wildly experimental pop music. From the opening track on, the Dirty Projectors have crafted an album which utilizes sweeping vocals, numerous variations on harmonies, lots of oohs and ahhs, intricately plucked string instruments, and supremely odd time signatures. And all is done without totally baffling the listener ("Stillness in the Move" is a prime example of how loosely Longstreth interprets the term "pop music"). Throughout the album's nine tracks, the musical spectrum shifts from the chamber pop to the bluesy to the funky (sometimes within the same song). However lofty and ambitious Bitte Orca tries to be, it is done in a concise and planned manner. While constantly on the verge of over-experimenting ("The Bride" is a weird (yet great) track that has the drums constantly trying to catch up with the guitars), Longstreth and Co. have kept things aligned so as to not completely abandon the average listener; yet still giving the musically knowledgeable (aka the music snob) something to give multiple listens to in order to fully comprehend its scope and structure.
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