The experimental/doom/drone/metal/ambient/bizarre duo known as Sunn O))) have made a name for themselves by releasing painfully slow drone albums with songs exceeding the single digit length in minutes. And with Monoliths and Dimensions they have continued to follow the fascination they have with heavy reverb. At times it sounds like the guitars are being played in a room completely surrounded by amps so that no note fades but rather increases in intensity bouncing from one amp to another. Needless to say this is a sound that many will just be baffled at. Regardless, Sunn O))) are masters at what they do and the sound they strive to create. For this album they brought on board contemporary composer Eyvind Kang to assist in their vision. The opening track "Aghartha" starts just as you would imagine; drone-heavy guitars constantly echoing as a deep voice details (from what I can determine) the creation of a new Earth. Or not, who knows but it is creepy. As the track progresses screeching strings and what sounds like creaking doors are thrown in just to add to the texture. And each track is similarly arranged: horns, strings, resonant guitars, a choir, ritualistic chanting and a piano are just a few of the items that find their way into the songs (or rather pieces as these are meticulously composed pieces of art). At only four tracks (one of which is named "Big Church (Megszentsegtelenthetetlensegeskedeseitekert)") it might seem as though it would be a short album but on the contrary it sludges its way on for nearly an hour. With the assistance of Kang, Sunn O))) have created a soundtrack for something dark (the final track "Alice" just sounds as though it belongs in a film). Not sure what it is exactly but it's dark. Beware: open-minded listeners (or the artsy folk) will find this work interesting whereas those not so into new soundscapes will want to pass and let the music snobs absorb this one.
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