The debut effort of Miike Snow (singer Andrew Wyatt in collaboration with the pop production duo of Bloodshy and Avant) is very much in the style of the slew of indie pop/electronic releases that have been hot this year (such as the standout debut from Passion Pit). The difference here though is that Miike Snow has opted to make a more pop album than a dance album. Strange since the production team Bloodshy and Avant are best known for their work with larger artists such as Madonna, Jennifer Lopez and Britney Spears ("Toxic" brought them immediate attention) and in working with them orchestrated a very dance/pop friendly sound. Here, with Miike Snow, they have dropped the dance aspect and focused more on the vocals and the pop. The problem is the lyrics and vocals of Wyatt are not nearly strong enough to carry the album. Consequently, songs run together and the listener is left not feeling the definite end of one song and the beginning of another but rather just seem to be listening to an overlong single track. The highlights of tracks like "Silvia" and "Plastic Jungle" just aren't nearly strong enough the carry the weight of this album. A very listenable album and effort, but it just offers nothing of substance to necessitate repeated listens.
accurate description. i think im hooked on the popness. thanks for sharin.