Rap trio Tanya Morgan last year released Brooklynati to very high praise. One of the joys of that album was it's ability to actually create this fictional town (which, obviously, combined the names of the hometowns of its members Cincinnati and Brooklyn) complete with a radio station, fake DJ, and "legendary" hometown rap group Hardcore Gentlemen. While not a Tanya Morgan release, rapping member Donwill has released this mixtape that plays off the film High Fidelity and all this just in time for Valentine's Day. With the dominating theme of love, the album has it's cheesy love rap moments as well as contrite R & B hooks but Donwill is such an excellent rapper (in the vein of the conscious style) that things run their course nicely. However, the cheesy moments are, in fact, very cheesy and the production sounds muffled and second-rate. But hey, it's free.
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