After coming out of nowhere last year (well, not nowhere but some cabin in backwoods Wisconsin), Bon Iver gained a loyal following based primarily on the release of that one record. Although he has since issued an EP, it seems as if a true followup is nowhere in direct sight, so fans will have to turn to the collaborative efforts of Bon and experimental band Collection of Colonies of Bees; also known, collectively, as Volcano Choir. Whereas Justin Vernon's utterly haunting (yet heartbreaking) voice is featured throughout, fans of the stripped down acoustics of the Vernon moniker might be turned off by the experimentalism of Unmap. Songs ramble through seemingly random arrangements while odd noises are randomly thrown in here and there. However, the voice is a constant. But can that salvage an album? In this case art surprises substance. Much like many of the "art bands" gaining notoriety nowadays (i.e., Animal Collective, Atlas Sound), Volcano Choir's sound is based primarily on the seemingly pieced together playing of the whole's members (with none being that deft at their instruments). Even the album's most straight-forward song (term being very loosely used) things just kind of go and go and go until it ends. Nonetheless, Bon Iver fans should continue to build anticipation while fans of faux-talented indie rock enjoy; here is Volcano Choir's Unmap.