Last nite I finally got to check another band off my list of "must see before I die." Nine Inch Nails. They have been a favorite of mine for years and upon hearing this was their last tour, I had to fork over the cash ($75) to get great seats. The way it worked was the NIN fan club had a presale over two months ago in which fans could get their pick of the better seats before the box office opened to the general public. And instead of mailing the tickets to you, they would be held at the will call at HiFi Buys Amphitheater here in Atlanta.
And this was the problem. I got there at 6:45 (7:00 start time) thinking I would be able to just walk up to this special line and not have to deal with any waiting. Wrong. There was a massive line of those who had spent serious cash ($115 bucks apiece for the pit) to get great seats to see these great bands (Jane's Addiction co-headlined). The issue was that the fanclub tickets were printed off but only once. At Lakewood (what everyone here in ATL still calls it) there are two box offices and about a mile separates them. So you had to hope that your ticket was at the gate in which you were in line for. And if not, then they would take your name and run (literally) to the other box office, get your ticket, and bring it back.
Totally fucked up.
So 7:15 rolls around and I've moved maybe twelve feet in line. Meanwhile, Street Sweeper Social Club (collabo between Rage Against the Machine's Tom Morello and (underrated and relatively unknown) Boots Riley of The Coup. And then they get off stage so I've missed one band and still waiting for the ticket I purchased two months ago.
Then the discussion starts around me (who by this point is royally pissed off) who will go on first: NIN or Jane's? Well, the answer came in the form of the pulsing drums of "1.000.000" (second track from The Slip). Fuck. The band I came to see specifically has hit the stage and here I am still in line and still waiting. We were hoping they would hold the show since a number of true fans (those of the NIN and Jane's fan club) were not in the venue. They said they were going to delay them but not nearly long enough.
They continue and we wait. March of the Pigs. Wish. Something I Can Never Have (an absolute favorite of mine in terms of greatest songs). They were in full gear. Finally, (after a number of failed efforts to get us in) they print out a list (duh) and begin to check us off one by one and print up tickets there so we can get in.
So finally I get in after having spent nearly two hours in "line" waiting for my ticket. Upset and pissed and in a terrible mood I get to my seat (which was an about 12 rows behind the pit) and watched. They are fucking so great live. And the fans are loyal to every note and lyric the band performs. Having already missed a few songs I wanted to see on my "dream setlist" I stayed optimistic that I would be treated to others. "The Becoming" was the first full song that I saw and it was pretty incredible. Trent was fully into it (sweating like Patrick Ewing in the 4th quarter) as were the others.
Saul Williams even made an appearance (him and Trent collaborated a few years back on Williams' The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of NiggyTardust) guesting on "Survivalism" and Williams' "Banged and Blown Through." The second of which kind of slowed the pacing and intensity of the show for the next few songs.
Then they finished strong with "The Hand That Feeds" and the closer "Head Like a Hole" (which was and still is a classic song (was written twenty years ago now)). Overall it was pretty awesome and I would suggest anyone to check them out but this is their last tour (as Trent vocalized during the set with sincere sorrow and love to his fans).
Jane's was also suprisingly great (forgot how good their songs are (excluding that shitty album they released back in 2003)). Dave Navarro didn't even bother to hit the stage with a shirt (I think this summer tour is just an excuse for him to go topless for 4 straight months). Perry was dressed in some sort of red jumpsuit thing and proceeded to act like a truly great frontman by keeping the energy high and looking as though he was loving his time on stage.
Upon leaving the venue and walking back to my car with ringing ears (it was loud as fuck in there) I reflected back on the whole experience. Obviously I am super pissed about the whole ticketing thing (already emailed a few different people in hopes of getting some form of apology) but once I was inside it was great. Wish I had taken pictures (camera batteries were dead when I checked in the parking lot before entering) of the great setup (Jane's had banners of a naked woman on each side of the stage). Regardless, it was a great time and had a great nostalgic feel for me as they were two bands I adored in my youth (and still do to this day).
Honestly though, Trent, do something for your fans. We spent our time and money to appreciate your show. The whole thing. Not 75% of it because of a "ticketing problem."
Free show for us 300 unlucky souls? Just a suggestion.